
Krillin’s Deaths in Dragon Ball: A Legacy of Sacrifice and Resilience


Krillin’s Deaths in Dragon Ball: A Legacy of Sacrifice and Resilience

Introduction: The Many Deaths of Krillin

Krillin (Kuririn in Japanese) is one of the most enduring characters in the Dragon Ball franchise. Known for his bravery and loyalty, Krillin is also infamous for dying multiple times throughout the series. Each death serves as a pivotal moment, emphasizing the stakes of the battles and the emotional depth of the story. This article explores Krillin’s deaths (muerte) in Dragon Ball, the circumstances surrounding them, and their impact on the characters and fans.

How Many Times Has Krillin Died?

In the canon storyline of Dragon Ball, Krillin dies three times, with additional deaths in alternate timelines and non-canon stories. Each death holds significant emotional and narrative weight, marking key turning points in the series.

Canon Deaths of Krillin

1. First Death: Killed by Tambourine (Dragon Ball)

  • Saga: King Piccolo Saga
  • Circumstances:
    • After retrieving the tournament roster, Krillin is ambushed by Tambourine, one of King Piccolo’s minions. Tambourine kills Krillin in cold blood, stealing the Dragon Ball and the roster.
  • Impact:
    • This death shifts Dragon Ball from its lighthearted tone to a darker and more intense narrative.
    • Goku’s pursuit of Tambourine begins a chain of events leading to the climactic battle against King Piccolo.
  • Resurrection: Krillin is revived with the Dragon Balls after King Piccolo’s defeat.

2. Second Death: Exploded by Frieza (Dragon Ball Z)

  • Saga: Frieza Saga
  • Circumstances:
    • During the battle on Planet Namek, Frieza uses telekinesis to lift Krillin into the air and then detonates him, killing him instantly.
  • Impact:
    • Krillin’s death is one of the most emotional moments in the series, triggering Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan.
    • It highlights Frieza’s cruelty and raises the stakes of the battle.
  • Resurrection: Krillin is revived using the Namekian Dragon Balls after Frieza’s defeat.

3. Third Death: Killed by Super Buu (Dragon Ball Z)

  • Saga: Majin Buu Saga
  • Circumstances:
    • Krillin is among those killed during Super Buu’s attack on Kami’s Lookout. After being turned into candy, he is consumed by Buu.
  • Impact:
    • This death underscores Super Buu’s overwhelming power and the dire stakes for Earth’s survival.
    • It motivates Goku and Vegeta to combine their powers and devise a strategy to defeat Buu.
  • Resurrection: Krillin is revived, along with all other victims, using the Dragon Balls after Buu’s defeat.

Non-Canon and Alternate Timeline Deaths

1. Future Timeline

  • In Future Trunks’ timeline, Krillin is killed by the Androids (Android 17 and 18). Although this death occurs off-screen, it is mentioned by Trunks as part of the destruction wrought by the Androids.

2. Dragon Ball GT

  • In the non-canon series Dragon Ball GT, Krillin is killed by Android 17 during the Super 17 Saga but is later revived.

3. Movies and Specials

  • In various Dragon Ball movies and specials, Krillin meets his end in alternate scenarios, often to heighten the drama of the story.

Thematic Significance of Krillin’s Deaths

1. Catalyst for Change

  • Each of Krillin’s deaths serves as a turning point in the series:
    • His death at the hands of Frieza sparks Goku’s legendary transformation into a Super Saiyan.
    • His deaths emphasize the stakes of battles and motivate other characters to push beyond their limits.

2. Symbol of Mortality

  • As a human, Krillin’s vulnerability highlights the dangers faced by the Z Fighters. His willingness to confront these dangers showcases his bravery and determination.

3. Emotional Impact

  • Krillin’s deaths resonate with fans, eliciting sadness and sympathy. These moments also reinforce the bonds between the characters, as his friends mourn his loss and work to revive him.

Fan Reactions to Krillin’s Deaths

1. Emotional Resonance

  • Fans often cite Krillin’s death during the Frieza Saga as one of the most impactful moments in Dragon Ball, both for its emotional weight and its narrative importance.

2. Humor and Memes

  • The frequency of Krillin’s deaths has inspired humor within the fandom, including the popular “Krillin Owned Count,” which tracks his defeats and deaths throughout the series.

3. Respect for His Resilience

  • Despite his many deaths, Krillin’s courage and determination have earned him respect from fans as a true hero.

Conclusion: Krillin’s Deaths as Defining Moments

Krillin’s deaths in Dragon Ball are more than just tragic events—they are pivotal moments that drive the story forward, deepen character relationships, and heighten the emotional stakes. Whether serving as a catalyst for Goku’s transformation or underscoring the danger faced by Earth’s defenders, Krillin’s sacrifices remind fans of his bravery and humanity. Despite the many times he has faced death, Krillin’s spirit remains unbreakable, solidifying his legacy as one of Dragon Ball’s most beloved characters.
