
How Many Times Has Krillin Been Killed in Dragon Ball?


How Many Times Has Krillin Been Killed in Dragon Ball?

Krillin, one of the most enduring characters in the Dragon Ball franchise, holds the infamous distinction of being killed multiple times throughout the series. His frequent deaths, while tragic, have also become a hallmark of his character, showcasing his bravery and willingness to put himself in harm’s way to protect his friends and the Earth.

This article explores the circumstances of Krillin’s deaths across Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super, as well as their significance to the story and his character development.

1. How Many Times Has Krillin Been Killed?

Krillin has died four times in the main canon of Dragon Ball. Each death is unique in its circumstances and emotional weight, leaving a lasting impact on the series.

2. Krillin’s Deaths in Detail

2.1 Killed by Tambourine (Dragon Ball)

  • Arc: King Piccolo Saga
  • Cause of Death: Ambushed and struck by Tambourine, one of King Piccolo’s minions, after the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament.
  • Impact: This was Krillin’s first death and marked a major turning point in the series, introducing darker themes and escalating the stakes. It motivated Goku to seek revenge and take on King Piccolo’s forces.

2.2 Killed by Frieza (Dragon Ball Z)

  • Arc: Frieza Saga
  • Cause of Death: Exploded by Frieza using his telekinetic powers on Planet Namek.
  • Impact: Frieza’s murder of Krillin is one of the most iconic moments in Dragon Ball Z, serving as the catalyst for Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan. This emotional event solidified Krillin’s role as one of Goku’s closest friends and highlighted the brutality of Frieza.

2.3 Killed by Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Z)

  • Arc: Majin Buu Saga
  • Cause of Death: Turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu during his assault on the Lookout.
  • Impact: This death, while part of a mass slaughter of the Z Fighters and their allies, underscored the overwhelming threat posed by Majin Buu.

2.4 Erased by Zeno (Dragon Ball Super)

  • Arc: Tournament of Power (Universe Survival Saga)
  • Cause of Death: Erased along with Universe 7 when Zeno eliminated all universes defeated in the tournament.
  • Impact: Though Krillin’s erasure was reversed when the universes were restored, it highlighted the high stakes of the Tournament of Power and reinforced his courage in representing Universe 7.

3. Non-Canon and Alternate Deaths

In non-canon material like movies and video games, Krillin has been killed in several alternate scenarios, often as part of “what-if” storylines or bonus content. For example:

  • Dragon Ball GT: Krillin is killed by Android 17 during the Super Android 17 arc.
  • Video Games: Many games depict Krillin being killed by various villains as part of their alternate timelines or bonus missions.

4. Thematic Significance of Krillin’s Deaths

4.1 A Catalyst for Goku

Krillin’s deaths often serve as pivotal moments for Goku:

  • Tambourine’s Attack: Motivated Goku to confront King Piccolo, marking his growth as a hero.
  • Frieza’s Murder: Triggered Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan, a defining moment in the series.

4.2 Symbol of Sacrifice

Krillin’s willingness to face overwhelming odds, even at the cost of his life, highlights his loyalty and courage. His sacrifices often inspire the Z Fighters to fight harder and protect their world.

4.3 A Reminder of Mortality

As a human among gods and aliens, Krillin’s deaths emphasize the vulnerability of Earth’s defenders and the high stakes of their battles.

5. How Krillin Is Revived

Krillin’s deaths are reversed each time using the Dragon Balls, a recurring theme in the series. His resurrections demonstrate the importance of the Dragon Balls as a source of hope and renewal:

  • Tambourine’s Attack: Revived using the Dragon Balls after King Piccolo’s defeat.
  • Frieza’s Murder: Revived using the Namekian Dragon Balls after Frieza’s defeat.
  • Majin Buu’s Rampage: Revived along with Earth’s population by the Dragon Balls after Buu’s defeat.
  • Zeno’s Erasure: Reversed when Android 17’s wish to restore all erased universes is granted.

6. Fan Reactions to Krillin’s Deaths

6.1 Emotional Impact

Krillin’s deaths, particularly his murder by Frieza, have left a deep emotional impact on fans, showcasing the series’ ability to balance humor and tragedy.

6.2 Humorous Memes

Krillin’s frequent deaths have become a source of humor in the fandom, inspiring memes and jokes about his resilience and role as a recurring victim.

6.3 Admiration for His Bravery

Despite the jokes, fans respect Krillin’s bravery and dedication to his friends, viewing his sacrifices as acts of heroism.

7. Conclusion

Krillin’s multiple deaths in the Dragon Ball series highlight his importance as a character who, despite his limitations, consistently rises to the occasion to protect his loved ones. His sacrifices have shaped key moments in the story, driving character development and escalating the stakes of the battles.

For fans, Krillin’s willingness to face danger, even at the cost of his life, reinforces his role as a beloved underdog and a symbol of courage in the Dragon Ball universe. While his frequent deaths have become a humorous talking point, they also serve as poignant reminders of the emotional depth and high stakes that make Dragon Ball so compelling.
