
Krillin’s Second Death in Dragon Ball: A Tragic and Pivotal Moment


Krillin’s Second Death in Dragon Ball: A Tragic and Pivotal Moment


Krillin, one of the most beloved characters in the Dragon Ball series, is known for his courage, loyalty, and unfortunate reputation for dying multiple times throughout the saga. While his first death during the original Dragon Ball series shocked fans and marked a shift in tone for the show, Krillin’s second death in Dragon Ball Z became one of the most significant moments in the franchise’s history. This event not only highlighted the stakes of the battle against Frieza but also triggered one of the most iconic transformations in anime history.

This article explores the context, events, and lasting impact of Krillin’s second death in Dragon Ball Z.

The Context: The Frieza Saga

The Frieza Saga takes place on Planet Namek, where the Z-Fighters, led by Goku, face off against the galactic tyrant Frieza. Frieza’s quest for immortality through the Dragon Balls puts him in direct conflict with Goku, Krillin, and their allies, leading to some of the most intense battles in the series.

By this point in the saga, Krillin has played a key role in the Z-Fighters’ efforts:

  • Helping gather the Namekian Dragon Balls.
  • Protecting Gohan and the Namekian villagers.
  • Facing off against Frieza’s henchmen, including the Ginyu Force.

However, the stakes reach their peak when Frieza himself enters the battlefield.

Krillin’s Second Death: What Happened?

1. The Battle Against Frieza

After Goku arrives to confront Frieza, the battle escalates. Goku’s strength and determination begin to push Frieza to his limits, forcing the tyrant to retaliate in increasingly brutal ways.

2. Frieza’s Wrath

In an attempt to crush Goku’s spirit, Frieza turns his attention to Krillin and Gohan, recognizing them as Goku’s closest friends. After taunting the group, Frieza uses his telekinetic powers to lift Krillin into the air. Despite Krillin’s struggles to break free, Frieza cruelly detonates him mid-air, killing him instantly.

3. Goku’s Reaction

Krillin’s death devastates Goku, who lets out a heart-wrenching scream. This emotional surge triggers the legendary transformation into a Super Saiyan for the first time, marking a pivotal moment in both the battle and the series as a whole.

The Impact of Krillin’s Second Death

1. Triggering the Super Saiyan Transformation

Krillin’s death is the emotional catalyst for Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan. This moment not only shifts the tide of the battle but also introduces one of the most iconic power-ups in anime history.

  • Why It Matters:
    • The Super Saiyan transformation becomes a hallmark of the Dragon Ball franchise, symbolizing Goku’s growth as a warrior and his ability to surpass his limits.
    • It solidifies Krillin’s role as a critical figure in Goku’s journey, emphasizing the depth of their friendship.

2. Highlighting Frieza’s Cruelty

Frieza’s merciless killing of Krillin demonstrates the extent of his villainy. This act solidifies Frieza as one of Dragon Ball’s most despised antagonists, further motivating the audience to root for his defeat.

3. Raising the Stakes

Krillin’s second death underscores the high stakes of the Frieza Saga, reminding viewers that even beloved characters are not immune to tragedy. It elevates the tension of the series and adds emotional weight to the battle.

Fan Reactions to Krillin’s Second Death

1. Shock and Sadness

For many fans, Krillin’s death was a heartbreaking moment. His close bond with Goku and his bravery throughout the series made his loss feel deeply personal.

2. Memes and Legacy

Over time, Krillin’s multiple deaths have become a source of humor in the fandom. Phrases like “Krillin dies again” are often used in memes, though his second death remains one of the most emotionally significant.

3. Appreciation for the Moment

Despite the tragedy, fans recognize Krillin’s second death as one of the defining moments of Dragon Ball Z. It is celebrated for its narrative impact and its role in Goku’s transformation.

The Aftermath: Krillin’s Resurrection

As with most characters in Dragon Ball, Krillin’s death is not permanent. Using the Namekian Dragon Balls, the Z-Fighters are able to resurrect him after Frieza’s defeat. His return is a relief for fans and marks the beginning of a more peaceful period for the character, at least until the next major threat arises.

Why Krillin’s Second Death Is Still Important

  1. A Catalyst for Change:
    • Without Krillin’s death, Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan might not have occurred when it did, altering the course of the series.
  2. Emotional Depth:
    • The event adds emotional depth to the Frieza Saga, emphasizing the sacrifices made by the Z-Fighters in their quest to protect the universe.
  3. Character Development:
    • Krillin’s death reaffirms his role as a courageous and selfless fighter who always stands by his friends, even in the face of overwhelming odds.


Krillin’s second death in Dragon Ball Z is one of the most significant moments in the franchise’s history. It serves as a turning point for Goku, a showcase of Frieza’s cruelty, and a reminder of the sacrifices made by the Z-Fighters. While his death is tragic, it highlights Krillin’s importance to the series and cements his legacy as one of Dragon Ball’s most beloved characters. Whether through tears or cheers, fans will always remember this defining moment as a key chapter in the Dragon Ball saga.
